$ 888.00
This is a 2 full day intensive training and you do need to have taken
Reiki levels 1 & 2 to take the Master Training and have been practicing with the reiki for at least 6 months.
This class will enable you to be able to teach Reiki levels 1, 2 and Master level via on line or in person.
You will be recieving placements/ Ignitions which are very different then the old style of hands on attunements. The placements are a more effective level of Reiki and also empowers the symbols with more effective healing energy since they comes directly from Source. The Usui energy is no longer part of the system and has been upgraded to the Holy Fire Reiki energy. However, the all 4 Usui symbols are still used and are empowered by Holy Fire III Reiki energy.
What will you learn in this training:
This training involves deeping the perspectives and ways of truly living reiki. This course if the training of Mastery in this modality and we will dive deeper into the aspects around cosmic energy, developing intuition and healing across time and space in a much more in depth way.
- You will come into an understanding of how to live reiki as a lifestyle and not just a practice, Master level becomes the level of stepping into living reiki.
- You will recieve 2 placements for the Master level symbols and each will have a set up ignition mediation to prep the body for the placements.
- You will learn about the Master Symbols
- You will learn how to do the old way of attunments using all the symbols and the Violet Breathe.
- You will learn the Hui Yin breathe
- You will learn how to build a crystal reiki grid for distant healing, goals and manifesting.
- How to do a Reiki Aura Clearing (Psychic Surgery) for removing negative psychic energy from yourself and others.
- How to do an attunement on yourself
- The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
- The Anthakarana for meditaiton and attunements
- Practicing of using all the reiki symbols with the Master symbols for treating others and yourself.
- Learn about Holy Fire and how it is an expansion of the Usui Reiki.
- This training the second day will also cover how to become a practitioner and the principals of being a Reiki practitioner.
What will you recieve from this class:
In this class, you will unlock your understanding of the path to enlightenment and discover the keys to open yourself up to the light you hold. By connecting to Christ Consiousness you will expand your mind and connect to God, Source, Universe if you believe. This connection helps settle the idea of separation, which often leads to fear, anxiety and lower frequencies in our lives. If you're seeking the next step in your spiritual journey, this class will guide you to go deeper into the realm of awakening, connect to your intuition, and deepen your knowing.
**Please NOTE this is a 2 day commitment and will be a virtual class so you can take this in the comfort of your own home. You will need a way to do the meditations and be in a space that you can NOT be distracted and can hear the class with ease in your space and the music for the meditations.
DATES: Saturday Nov. 2, 2024 & Sunday Nov. 3, 2024
Time: Both Days 10:30am - 5:00pm EST
The Class does require a new manual for the Master Level and can be a paper manual or digital copy, paper needs to be shipped 1 week prior to your class if you live on the East Coast - out of country will need to have the digital manual.
You will recieve a Master Level Certificate and manual with the cost of the class.
If you need to make 2 payments to pay for the class that is an option please reach out to me via email at Sloane@sloanedelmont.com.