$ 1,666.00

Sloane Delmont

The Mastery Of Self Emergence 1:1 -3 Month Process Journey Level 1 - Deconstruction - Body Integreation

Welcome To The Mastery of Self Emergence 

What does it truly mean to emerge? To come into being, to rise, to unfold from within - emergence is the process of stepping into the fullness of who you are - a journey of reclaiming your light, embracing your truth, and allowing yourself to be fully seen and known. It is the shedding of layers, the quieting of external noise, and the reclamation of your authentic soul self. This journey is not about striving to become something you are not; rather, it is about peeling back the layers that have concealed your higher, purer essence. It is about returning to the wholeness and truth of who you are meant to be in this life. 

Through my own journey spanning over 15 years, I have come to understand that emergence is not a single moment, but a sacred process. It requires intentionality, courage, and a willingness to let go of the old self - the self that has been shaped by preprogramming, limiting beliefs, such as "I am not enough" or "I must fit into others' expectations, and subconscious constructs. 

This process is both profound and liberating, allowing you to step into a state of presence, freedom, and connection with your divine essence. 

In this 3 month process, Master of Self Emergence is structured around five foundational pillars - each one designed to guide you deeper into your truth and freedom, layering upon the others in a very intentional and transformative way. These pillars guide you through the death of the old self, clearing old programming and ancestral patterning, and stepping into forgiveness and deep self-acceptance. You will learn how to be fully present and connected within your body, embracing your wholenss and shedding the constructs that have kept you small. As you move through these steps, you will come to understand that you are here to live expansively, to embody the raidant and limitless version of who you truly are. 

Master of Self Emergence is a deeply transformative process. It is not about quick fixes or surface-level change; it is about diving into the depths of your being to uncover the authentic soul that has always been there. This sacred container offers a space for you to explore your depths, release what no longer serves you and to start to step into your highest potential - all with the guidance of someone who intimately knows this transformative journey. 

This is your invitation. To step forward. To emerge. To begin the sacred journey back to yourself. 

The Five Foundational Pillars Of Mastery Of Self Emergence

Pillar 1 : Coming Into Presence

Presence is the foundation of all transformation. This pillar works on you reconnecting back with your body, quieting the racing thoughts, and grounding yourself in the here and now. You will learn how to step away from autopilot living and into conscious awareness, wehre you can fully experience life as it unfolds. By cultivating presence, you create the space needed to listen to your inner wisdom and begin to dismantle the distractions and fears that have kept you from accessing your true self. 

Pillar 2: Clearing Limited Beliefs, Patterns, and Ancestral Trauma 

This pillar dives deep into the hidden layers of conditioning that have shaped your current reality. You will explore the limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck and uncover the ancestral patterns that have been unconsciouly passed down through generations. This clearing process is not just about release but also about honoring what came before, allowing you to break free from cycles of pain and step into a new legacy of freedom and authenticity. 

Pillar 3: Self-Accepance and Forgiveness

True transformation begins with radical self-acceptance. In this pillar, you will be guided to embrace all parts of yourself - the light and shadow - and offer yourself the gift of forgiveness. This is not about dismissing past mistakes but about acknowledging them with compassion and letting go of the shame and guilt that have weighed you down. Through self-acceptance, you create a fertile ground for deep healing and pave the way for a more loving relationship with yourself. 

Pillar 4: Stop Playing Small and Reconnect with Your Dream

This pillar challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and into the vastness of your potential. You will examine the ways you have held yourself back and reconnect with the dreams and desires that light up your soul. This is about reclaiming your right to dream big and giving yourself permission to pursue a life that feels expansive and aligned with your purpose. It's a call to take bold action and own your brilliance. 

Pillar 5: Giving Yourself a Rebirth - Meeting Your Authentic Self 

This is the beginning work to bring you into the space of a rebirth and connecting with the authentic self. This three-month process is just the beginning of this work; it covers every area that is needed for someone to come into their authentic self. Coming back into wholness is a process that is continually being built upon. 

This profound work requires commitment, patience and a willingness to move through the spaces of discomfort.

Sloane is supportive every step of the way through messaging, or added Zoom sessions. 

You will be supported in a judge free zone and sacred help space, where you will be comfortable to explore, heal and rediscover yourself, with your privacy held in the highest regard.

If you are in a space of  feeling things need to change, or that you are being pulled to really shift your world and life. Maybe you keep experiencing the same challenges, or same unhealthy relationships or money issues.

Are you feeling more connected to nature, feeling that your soul has a deeper calling and that you have been numb and asleep for too long?

Have you just left a long Corporate career and are asking what's next, I feel it but do NOT know how to access it?

Have you just left a long term marriage or partnership and feel unsure of who you are now and what this all means?

Are you starting a new business or want to step into a spiritual business or perhaps be of greater to service to the world, but are unsure of what is driving you to do this?

Then this work is for you, this will bring you into the knowing it will help you awaken and emerge - birth who you are truly here to be and what you are here to do. 

It is the beginning of the peeling back that you need to do to shed the old self, the old beliefs, conditioning and to fully start to connect with your soul - the guide that is who is calling you to this shift at this time. 

 The 3 - Month Journey Includes:

  • Initial assessement and objective 
  • Healing practices and Deep root clearing
  • Introduction to energy work techniques
  • Integration practices and homework that is given with each session
  • Reconnecting and purpose driven exercises
  • Assessement and reflection on progress made through process
  • 1.5 hr process session 1x per week with Sloane 
  • Messaging support with 24 hour response time 
  • 2 - 30 min. zoom support sessions if needed during the 3 month process. 

** A 1.5 hour Onboard Session is recommended so you can experience the work and then decide if this process is a true fit for you.

**A 24 hour cancellation notice is required to not lose any session.