Corporate Office Energy Space Clearings
Corporate Office Energy Space Clearings
Corporate Office Energy Space Clearings
$ 400.00

Sloane Delmont

Corporate Office Energy Space Clearings

Unbeknownst to most, our homes, cars, offices and furniture collect energies from the thoughts and emotions expressed in that space. 

Over time this accumulated energy does affect the people inhabiting that space in a detrimental way. It can create a change in mood, feelings of heaviness, lethargy, create tension and just shift how one feels. In a work space setting, it can affect the productivity of workers and also cause discord along with other issues.

As we are now coming out of a time of extremely strong energy that has been draining in many ways, preparing your office space to welcome your team back into the space is a great idea. It is a great way for starting off in a very high, productive energy.

Space Clearings will clear out the old stagnant energy and open up the space to a new lightness. The light energy will be called in to fill the space along with also using crystals to pull in specific energy to energize the space with a higher frequency.

This type of energy work opens up the space to feel lighter, more balanced and energized, helping to elevate and optimize your teams productivity.  

The package includes:

Energy clearing work which covers all of the interior space, offices, bathrooms, closets, entrance way and if possible the office roofline. 

Crystals that will be used to grid the space and keep the energy clean. 

For spaces 4000sq and up 2 reiki/energy workers will do the clearing. 

Any extra crystals needed for calling in prosperity or harmony in the space will be extra.

Please Note: We recommend cleanings every 4 months depending on the amount of people you have coming and going in your office space.