Welcome to Sloane A Delmont
The Mission - Is to elevate oneself, connect with Universal energy, clear your blocks, align with your true self.
Is it time for change, for more alignment, and to reboot your energy?
Are you experiencing dissatisfaction, having doubts over your abilities and limiting beliefs that are keeping you feeling stuck? Do you feel it is time to step out of your comfort zone and have less friction in your personal and work life?
Alignment is about embodying your authentic self and acting from your core value belief system. Your behavior and your actions are aligned with who you really are, which then assists you in being balanced in your work & life.
Your energy body is the main source of all you are and addresses the issues you may be having around lack of motivation, burnout and feeling overwhelmed. (reiki sessions - packages)
An experiential approach to addressing stress, focus and overall Corporate wellbeing. By using a holistic mind, body, energy integration, clients will be able to be more effective and aligned which leads to optimal performance both at work and in their personal lives.
Is a vow and commitment we make, that respects and upholds the declaration one calls upon to reinforce your beliefs and guide the choices you make through your life. These products are designed to work with your set intentions as you move through your journey.